What are the differences in each file type: gif, jpeg and png?
There are several different file types for clip art and backgrounds images, however, the most commonly used file types are gif, jpeg and png.
Gif: is most commonly used for animated images. However it is used for static images as well. Gif images typically are smaller in file size. Typically most web graphics are gif files because
the file size is usually smaller and allows for quick web page load times.
Jpeg: is commonly used for photographs and produces the best quality for photos. If a photographic image were saved as a gif file there would
be compression, distortion and/or color loss that would produce a final image that would appear less than ideal. It's best to save photos as a jpeg.
PNG: PNG stands for "portable network graphics". Most of the clip art images found on MyCuteGraphics.com are transparent PNG files. While the file size may be larger than a gif file,
PNG images do not experience the color loss that gif files do. PNG is my preffered image type because it produces a better quality image and allows for a transparent background.
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